About IceFishingReviews.com
The name Ice Fishing Reviews pretty much says it all when it comes to this website. Still, there is more to be said. Even knowing that ice fishing reviews happen here doesn’t tell you who I am or why I would put a site like this together. If you can’t judge a book by its cover then you probably shouldn’t judge a website by it’s title or URL either.
I started ice fishing when I was in my teens. I am now much older. I can still remember the first time I went out on the ice. I never thought of it before but once I was invited I came alive. Fishing during the cold months sure beat sitting in the house waiting for the ice to melt so I could chase trout and bass again.
It began on a small farm pond. In the warmer months it might be the kind of place you would overlook. For us it definitely was. But once it was covered with a nice layer of ice it turned into something else entirely. Three of us fanned out and fished over the few holes we were able to make and we were quickly into a mess of crappies.
The fishing was so fast and furious that it reminded me of the spring spawn when panfish are ripping and ready to go. I don’t think we could have caught fish through the ice on bare hooks that day, but who knows? Small gold hooks with one or two maggots on them did the trick.
My first outings on the ice saw fish but they were also cold and probably a bit dangerous. Over the years I learned how to dress and how to best find and catch fish on the hard water. As it turns out, wearing blue jeans and carrying an ice chipper isn’t all there is too it.
As years went by I moved on to larger lakes that theoretically at least should hold bigger fish. I still fish farm ponds from time to time when I can get on them, but I spend a lot more time on the big hard water.
I also moved on to using more and more sophisticated equipment. I started with a regular 6 foot long trout rod but quickly moved on to purpose made ice fishing rods. I went from plain hooks to ice fishing jigs and lures. I got warm and waterproof clothes and boots and extended my time on the ice. I started bringing a tent and a portable heater. I learned how to set tip-ups. I acquired flashers and put them to use to find structure and fish. When all was said and done, I learned how to get on fish and catch them in almost every situation I faced I went through a lot of trial and error and lesser equipment in the process. It is not always easy to find good stuff at a reasonable price. When you do find it, you don’t always know how to put it to best use. Especially when you’re just starting out. That’s one of the reasons I made IceFishingReviews.com.
Ice fishing has progressed from a simply way of gathering food in cold months to a full on sport with countless accessories and tools. I have also progressed. While I am no Dave Genz but I do know my way around frozen water and I have been successful ice fishing on multiple bodies of water in several states.
They say the number of fisherman is declining with each passing year. Apparently youngsters are more interested in electronic gadgets than the outdoors. Well, that’s what they say. I have never seen so many people on the ice as I have in recent seasons. I think the internet is making it possible for more people to learn about ice fishing and find out where and how to ice fish successfully.
Thankfully even the best lakes aren’t crowded out, so I don’t mind the presence of other people on the ice one bit. I welcome it. And why not? Where would ice fishing be without people to actually fish on the ice?
In some ways, there has never been a better time to get into ice fishing. There is now more great equipment available than there has been at any point in the past. It is now possible to ice fish in comfort, find fish, and catch fish without breaking the bank or relying on luck or some kind of fish-finding instinct.
At the same time, there is also a lot of junk on the market. The internet has only expanded the reach of fly by night factories churning out what could only be described as real crap.
My goal with creating the ice fishing review is to share some of the knowledge I’ve gained on the subject of ice fishing. How-to’s and trip reports will be posted from time to time, but the bulk of the posts here will consist of reviews of ice fishing equipment and related products.
I hope you will find what I’ve written on this website useful, or that it least brings you some degree of entertainment.
I do want to note that I occasionally receive compensation if you click the links or advertisements on this website. I am enrolled in some affiliate and advertising programs that pay website publishers such as myself. That doesn’t mean I give positive reviews to items just to make money. Far from it. I write what I honestly think about any and all products mentioned on this website.
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